The nature of work is undergoing a profound transformation, and at the heart of this shift lies artificial intelligence. Far from being a harbinger…
Breaking Bad, 12 Angry Men and House of Cards: the entrepreneur’s watch list

I recently caught up on Breaking Bad, and thought what great inspiration the show was for budding entrepreneurs — not the cooking meth bit, but all the other things around building a business and a product that people want.
With that in mind, I combed through my collection of movIes and shows and whipped out seven I think all entrepreneurs should watch.
12 Angry Men — Doing what it takes to get people to see things your way
If you have seen this Sidney Lumet classic then you will no doubt understand its place on this list. For the entrepreneur in a tight spot battling to bring the world along on their great vision, 12 Angry Men follows the story of one juror who must change the minds of 11 who are convinced the case is as obvious as it seems. Some of the best inspiration comes from working in a locked room.
The entrepreneur’s line: [Juror number nine changing is vote] This man has been standing alone against us. It’s not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others. So he gambled for support — and I gave it to him.
House of Cards — Being goal oriented
The political drama that Netflix got the world to binge on by releasing all of the first season in one go. The show focuses on Francis “Frank” Underwood, an ambitious Democratic congressman from South Carolina and the House Majority Whip, and his exploits on Capitol Hill and quest for power. For the entrepreneur wanting to know the cost of taking risks and not taking them.
The entrepreneur’s line: [Frank to Zoe] You don’t want to work anywhere you’re not willing to get fired from, Zoe. Treading water is the same as drowning, for people like you and me. Good luck, I’ll be watching.
Pirates of Silicon Valley — Reinventing and technically “borrowing”
For the tech entrepreneur. This story explores the history of Apple and Microsoft. This film’s opening sequence is the creation of the now iconic 1984 commercial for Apple. From there things just get better. Forget Jobs and Ashton Kutcher, if you want to get into the minds of what really happens in early days of great tech companies, this is it.
The entrepreneur’s line: [Steve Ballmer to Bill Gates] Bill, I don’t know if it’s the clothes on the floor or you, but something in here definitely needs to be hosed down.
The Newsroom — Standing for something and making a difference
For the radical entrepreneur who dares to see the world for what it is and decides to make a real difference when government, corporate and policies won’t let you. This show began great then had some rocky parts then got all sentimental but in-between all of that there are some really great episodes.
The entrepreneur’s line: [Mac responding to what winning looks like] Reclaiming the fourth estate. Reclaiming journalism as an honorable profession. A nightly newscast that informs a debate worthy of a great nation. Civility, respect, and a return to what’s important; the death of bitchiness; the death of gossip and voyeurism; speaking truth to stupid. No demographic sweet spot; a place where we all come together.
Shackleton — Taking risks when no one else will
Ever tried to start a company on your own with no money or support? Tried to manage other people’s livelihoods knowing that if you fail their source of income/life is gone? Then this mini series can offer some help. The true story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 Endurance expedition to the the South Pole and his epic struggle to lead his 28 man crew to safety after his ship was crushed in the pack ice.
The entrepreneur’s line: I don’t know. Rent an office and get started, I suppose. Because at every entrepreneur’s core is the getting started.
Breaking Bad — It’all about product
Cooking meth is not the lesson, creating the best product in the market and competition as well as market demands is. This is the basic plot to Breaking Bad for those who haven’t watched: brilliant chemist needs to provide for his family so he starts cooking meth, but not just any meth, the best and purest meth.
The entrepreneur’s line: [Is it all about the money?] I was curious. Honestly, I never expected you to amount to much, but methamphetamine? I didn’t picture that. There’s a lot of money in it, huh?
High Noon — Entrepreneurship is a lonely road
Every list with movies should have a Western. Got the rebel streak in you? No one seems to see the value of this great company you are about to build and you’re struggling to rally support, right? Well Marshall Will Kane gets you and he knows just how it feels to face something alone without support.
The entrepreneur’s line: It’s a great life. You risk your skin catchin’ killers and the juries turn ’em loose so they can come back and shoot at ya again. If you’re honest, you’re poor your whole life, and in the end you wind up dyin’ all alone on some dirty street. For what? For nothin’. For a tin star.