In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Want to increase sales in 2016? Here are 5 mCommerce strategies you can’t ignore

If you are planning to deploy mobile commerce in 2016, there are certain key elements that you will need to get right in order for this solution to work for you. The most important thing is that you must have an m-commerce strategy to guide your mobile commerce deployment. Without that, even the most basic kind of it, you are going to find it extremely difficult to compete in this fast growing ecommerce market segment.
You just have to look at the stat in order to realise why m-commerce is too big to be ignored. For example, 80% of consumers are now using smartphones in order to shop online which creates a massive market with billions of consumers. And the statistics get even juicier. For example, more users than ever use their mobile devices to research products online that they will later spend money on. If you are running an ecommerce business, it is time to step up your game and look for ways on how you can fully leverage mobile commerce in order to get the best results and power both your sales and growth. Without a proper mobile strategy, you are basically telling your potential shoppers to look elsewhere.
In 2016, there are several strategies that you can adopt in order to boost your mobile commerce sales. These should form an integral part of any m-commerce strategy and they include the following:
1. Simplification of the Purchase Funnels
Mobile commerce platforms are no longer just portals for browsing products and services. Consumers are actually making purchases through these portals and as a retailer; you must find a way of simplifying this process as much as possible in order to enable the user to make a purchase in just a few steps. In 2016, you must focus on the simplification of the point of sale or POS as much as possible. Integrate it with payment solutions and enable the user to make a purchase in only a few steps.
Read more: 7 ecommerce trends to watch out for in 2016
2. Think of Multiple Screens
How do shoppers use multiple screens when browsing on mobile? You have to think of that when you are designing mobile shopping portals. Consumers rarely make linear purchases on mobile. You have to understand their “journey” towards mobile purchases and then design a mobile experience around that.
3. Watch the Big Dogs
What are the big guys doing when it comes to mobile commerce? You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Big companies generally have the resources to invest in cutting edge mobile solutions and trends by some of the leading mobile developers. If they are doing something, chances are that it is the right thing.
4. Mobile Exclusives
It is already a feature of the 2015 mobile commerce landscapes but it is going to explode in 2016. If you have spent some time in building the best in class mobile apps, you can take your mobile commerce strategy to the next level by introducing mobile exclusive offers to your users. The mobile exclusives are the advantages or promos, deals or discounts which are only offered to those users interacting with the brand through a mobile option such as QR codes, or apps. These can be effective in increasing the popularity of your mobile commerce applications and building customer loyalty.
Read more: 7 reasons why customers are abandoning your mobile shopping cart
5. Channel Optimisation
This is by far the most important consideration when it comes to formulating a mobile strategy. Make sure all the channels have been properly optimised for the mobile experience whether it is the apps or the website. Without a properly optimised mobile portal, you are unlikely to be successful in driving your mobile sales. Mobile optimisation allows you to operate at your peak performance if you are able to get many other factors right.
When it comes to formulating mobile strategy, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. You have to formulate a strategy that will be specific to your business objectives as well as goals. Before implementing any particular mobile strategy, there are KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that you have to look at, for example, in order to allow you to implement your strategy with some precision. It is also important to differentiate both strategy and tactics. You can have a good mobile commerce strategy but without the best tactics to make it work, it will all be in vain. Implement these simple strategies and begin unlocking some magic with your m-commerce implementation in your business.
Image by Jason Howie via Flickr