Startups, here’s how to make money [infographic]

You may be bored with your current job, longing for the day when you can be your own boss. There many be a business idea, a product, a solution rattling around in your head, and you may have the intention of creating a startup around it. The question is, how do you make money out of your idea?

Funders & Founders have put together a small infographic on just how to achieve your goal. It’s not in-depth, and some may want to look at their previous infographics, such as doing things that don’t scale and how to nab that investor, but it’s, at least, a pathway to get you on the right track. The steps include prototyping, selling your product, and listing your company on a stock exchange — all in a tongue-in-cheek way, of course.

Hey, there’s no fool-proof guide on how to make money.

Click on the image below to enlarge it.




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