South African e-commerce boom challenges retail leaders

As South Africa’s e-commerce sector hurtles towards a projected value of R400 billion by 2025, traditional retailers are scrambling to keep pace. A recent Accenture report reveals that 95% of South African retail leaders—compared to 83% globally—feel their businesses are struggling to adapt to the rapid changes in the market.

However, amidst this tumult, a cadre of ‘champion’ companies has emerged. These firms, comprising roughly 20% of the industry, are not merely surviving but thriving, outperforming their peers in revenue growth, profitability, and customer satisfaction.

One such champion is Luxity, a pre-owned luxury goods retailer. Recently crowned by the Financial Times as South Africa’s fastest-growing e-commerce company for the second year running, Luxity has carved out a niche in the competitive landscape.

Michael Zahariev, co-founder of Luxity, attributes the company’s success to its progressive approach to innovation and continuous investment in emerging technology. “As our shoppers have changed, we have adjusted to meet that change,” Zahariev explains. “We know that, as a luxury brand, our customers expect deeper and more personal experiences which necessitates an openness to innovation.”

Luxity’s strategy revolves around an omnichannel approach, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalised experiences for its clientele. By centralising data, the company has streamlined its operations, reducing turnaround times by 82% and automating thousands of offers monthly.

This AI-driven approach is a hallmark of ‘champion’ companies. The Accenture report suggests that top performers are 51% more likely to invest in AI to optimise business processes and enhance customer experiences.

Luxity has also tapped into the power of WhatsApp, South Africa’s most popular social media platform. The company has developed an AI-powered assistant called LEXA (Luxity’s EXperience Assistant) to provide personalised service through the messaging app.

“WhatsApp is an incredibly powerful platform,” Zahariev notes. “When integrated with AI, it becomes a game-changer.” LEXA uses customer data to tailor interactions, considering not just purchase history but also personal preferences such as preferred purchase locations and payment methods.

With e-commerce users in South Africa expected to reach nearly 40 million by 2027—almost two-thirds of the country’s population—the opportunities for growth are substantial. Zahariev remains optimistic about the future: “We have seen first-hand that businesses can thrive by leveraging e-commerce. We will continue to drive a technology-first approach to give our customers shopping experiences that will keep them coming back for more.”

As South Africa’s retail landscape continues to evolve, companies like Luxity serve as a blueprint for success in the digital age. By embracing technological innovation and prioritising customer experience, these firms are not just adapting to change—they’re driving it.

Read next: E-commerce giant Wasoko expands into DRC



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