In the fast-paced world of smartphones, a fierce rivalry has shaped the industry for over a decade. On one side, Apple, the epitome of…
A dummy’s guide to why reporting is essential for your online startup
These days most small businesses know that they need a website. Some also realise the importance of email marketing and social media in marketing…
Spaaza: The glue that brings together online and offline shopping
eCommerce changed everything, but beyond the convenience, choice and financial savings yielded by armchair shopping, there’s an armada of disgruntled brick and mortar businesses…
It’s Startup Month at Memeburn
Every month is startup month at Memeburn, but we’re doing something special for the month of April. We invite you to let us know…
ZunguZ wants to turn Facebook into a bank
Facebook’s great for a lot of things. Keeping up to date with friends, promoting your brand, and organising your social diary are just some…