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How microlearning is reshaping retail’s workforce

Merel van der Lei has a message for retailers: “Invest in your young employees or risk falling behind.” As CEO of Wyzetalk, an employee experience platform, van der Lei has watched countless shops struggle with staff turnover and poor customer service. Her solution? Embrace the digital world of microlearning.

The retail landscape is shifting rapidly, with customer expectations higher than ever. Yet many shops rely on outdated training methods ill-suited to their youngest workers. Traditional day-long seminars or dense manuals often fail to engage, leaving frontline staff ill-equipped to handle the complexities of modern retail.

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Enter microlearning: bite-sized, easily digestible training modules typically lasting just minutes. This approach aligns with the habits of younger employees accustomed to consuming information in short bursts on their smartphones.

“By leveraging microlearning, retailers can provide their young employees with opportunities to enhance their customer service and sales skills, while also enabling self-driven development through optional course libraries,” explains van der Lei. “This not only improves performance but also paves the way for career advancement and personal growth.”

The numbers support van der Lei’s assertion. A recent study found that 76% of employees find companies more attractive if they offer additional skills training. Moreover, 70% are more likely to leave their current jobs for organisations that prioritise learning and development.

Wyzetalk’s platform aims to address these needs by offering customised learning paths accessible via smartphone or feature phone. Employees can view upcoming training schedules and receive reminders about new courses or deadlines, fitting learning into the gaps in their busy workdays.

This approach seems particularly well-suited to retail’s unique challenges. Frontline staff often can’t step away from the shop floor for extended periods, making traditional training sessions disruptive and costly. Microlearning allows employees to absorb new information during breaks or quiet moments, without compromising customer service.

“Effective communication combined with upskilling methods like microlearning builds trust, nurtures engagement, and cultivates a workforce that is prepared to meet the ever-evolving demands of the retail landscape,” says van der Lei.

The benefits extend beyond mere convenience. By breaking complex concepts into manageable chunks, microlearning caters to the preferences of younger workers who often thrive on quick, engaging content. This approach can transform mundane topics like inventory management or sales techniques into easily digestible lessons, improving retention and application.

Moreover, microlearning platforms often incorporate gamification elements, turning training into a more enjoyable, competitive experience. Leaderboards, badges, and progress trackers can motivate employees to engage more deeply with the material, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

The inclusivity of platforms like Wyzetalk is another key advantage. By ensuring accessibility for both smartphone and feature phone users, retailers can create a unified learning experience across their entire workforce, regardless of technological disparities.

However, the success of microlearning in retail hinges on more than just the technology. It requires a shift in organisational culture, one that values and prioritises ongoing learning and development.

“Retailers must embrace the opportunity to invest in the professional growth of their young employees, unlocking a wellspring of fresh perspectives and potential,” van der Lei emphasises. This investment goes beyond mere skills training; it’s about empowering the next generation of retail leaders.

The potential payoff is significant. A well-trained, engaged workforce is more likely to deliver exceptional customer experiences, driving brand loyalty in an increasingly competitive market. Furthermore, by providing clear pathways for growth and development, retailers can improve retention rates among their younger staff, reducing the costly cycle of turnover and retraining.

As the retail industry continues to evolve, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviours, the ability to quickly upskill and adapt will become increasingly crucial. Microlearning offers a flexible, scalable solution to this challenge, allowing retailers to keep pace with industry changes while nurturing their most valuable asset: their people.

The retail giants of tomorrow may well be those who recognise the potential of their young workforce today, equipping them not just with product knowledge and sales techniques, but with the tools and mindset for continuous learning and adaptation. In the fast-paced world of retail, the race for customer loyalty may just be won in ten-minute increments.

Read next: Empowering SMEs in 2024: The Digital Revolution

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