Forget everything you thought you knew about TV. TCL has officially launched its groundbreaking QD-Mini LED technology in South Africa, bringing an entirely new…
Does your personality type fit that of an entrepreneur?
According to a survey conducted by a California-based personality and career assessments company, Truity Psychometrics, found that extraverts are more likely to become entrepreneurs….
It’s a jungle out there: ValueForest wants to help you find the best online classified deals
A few months ago, software engineer David Kaplan quit his full-time job, stepped out into the wild, and joined an incubator. Today, the 23-year-old…
From banker to VC: what I’ve learned from SA’s startup space so far
In 2013, Michael Jordaan stepped down as CEO of FNB after 12 years of working for the financial institution. Jordaan spearheaded an era of… Nigerian ecommerce industry needs more players
Even though ecommerce platforms are springing up everywhere across Nigeria, an expert believes the country still needs more players in the indsutry. This notion…